• Difference of hemp & medical marijuana?

    From 17th-Oct,2018, the legalization of marijuana in Canada already have more than a half year, today let’s talk about the difference of hemp and marijuana simply.

  • As we all known, medical marijuana is mainly applied in medical treatment, it can treat or assist in the treatment of Epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Depression, Gastrointestinal disease, Various skin lesions and various cancer symptoms,etc.

    But for the hemp, it has more wider application, Food & Health care products, Animal products, Daily necessities, Cosmetics, Electronic consumer goods, Clothing, Non-woven fabrics, Composite materials, Biofuels, more than 10 fields,etc.

    According to The European Union Standards, THC<0.3% is HEMP ( of course some of countries standard is different, such as England, Spanish, Poland, Swedish,etc, there standard request THC<0.2% ).  0.3%<THC<0.5% belongs to medicinal tendency.

    In USA, Medical marijuana users need to be 18 years old, younger need to apply, and a doctor’s prescription is required. And hemp could made into cosmetics, clothing and other fiber products.

  • So this is the simple difference of hemp and cbd, if you want to distillate cbd oil, and find cbd distillation equipment manufacturer
    , welcome contact 
    [email protected] 
    to customize one stop solution of cbd oil distillation, which is include molecular distillation equipment
    , rotary evaporator solvent removing equipment, vacuum pump, temperature control system, etc. 

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