How to protect yourself on the way to work?
During Corona Virus, how to protect ourselves health on the way to work? -
1. Before going out
-Measure your temperature first
-Assess your physical condition
-Prepare masks, sanitary paper towels, etc. for the day.
2. On the way to work
– Try to choose to walk, bike, drive a private car, etc.
– Wear masks throughout public transportation, and avoid touching the items on the car with your
– Open the door and ventilate before taking a taxi or online booking. Wear a mask yourself and remind the driver to wear a mask.
3. Take the elevator
– Be sure to wear a mask, and use a paper towel to separate the buttons.
– Do not rub your eyes and touch your face.
– Try not to communicate in the elevator, and wash your hands as soon as possible after leaving the
– People on lower floors recommend taking the stairs and try not to touch the handrails.
4. Enter the office
– Wear masks indoors as well.
– Ventilate 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes each time. Keep warm when ventilating.
– When coughing or sneezing, it is best to cover with paper towels.
– Minimize the use of central air-conditioning.
5. During work
-Reduce face-to-face communication and try to communicate online.
-Keep a distance ≥ 1m with colleagues.
-Wash your hands frequently, before and after circulating paper documents.
-Drink plenty of water, no one should drink less than 1500 ml daily.
-Reduce centralized meetings and control the length of meetings.
6. How to eat
-Try to bring meals from home.
-If you go to the cafeteria or restaurant, eat at the wrong peaks and avoid getting together.
-Take off your mask at the last minute to sit down and eat.
-Avoid eating face to face and try not to speak during meals.
7. After back home
-Wash your hands first and open the windows for ventilation
-Place coats, shoes, bags, etc. in the corners of fixed rooms and wash them in a timely manner.
-Pay special attention to disinfecting mobile phones, keys, etc.
-Drink plenty of water, exercise properly and take a break.
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