• Situation of CBD legalization in American states

    At present, except Uruguay and Canada, which have implemented CBD legalization, the fastest process of CBD legalization in the world should be in the United States. So today we will take a quick look at the situation of CBD legalization in American states.

  • In all, 33 states and 1 district of USA have fully legalized medical marijuana, 10 states and 1 district have legalized recreational marijuana. Let’s briefly talk about marijuana legalization in the following states.

    1. Alabama

    Recreational marijuana felony (first possession is considered a misdemeanor), medical marijuana CBD oil is legally restrictive.

    In April 2014, the state’s governor, Robert Bentley, signed an act allowing the university of Alabama, Birmingham, to provide nonpsychoactive CBD oil for clinical research in children with debilitating seizures, which is not the same as the legalization of medical marijuana.

    In 2015, state senator Bobby Singleton introduced 《 The safe access for medical marijuana patients》act, which allows patients with 25 serious medical conditions to use medical marijuana. The act was passed by the senate judiciary committee in a near-unanimous vote, but failed to reach the senate floor.

    2. Georgia State

    Recreational marijuana is illegal (legal in some districts and counties), medical marijuana CBD oil is restricted.

    In February 2015, the state passed a law allowing more than 5% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in medical cbd oil for medical use. In April 2015, the state allowed CBD oil for medical use, and the use of medical marijuana was only allowed for the treatment of individual conditions such as refractory pain and post-traumatic stress disorder.

    It remains illegal to grow, produce and sell medical marijuana in the state.

    3. Indiana

    Recreational marijuana is a misdemeanor, medical marijuana CBD is legalized for any use.

    In April 2017, the state’s governor, Eric Holcomb, signed legislation allowing the use of CBD oil (less than 0.3 percent THC) for uncontrolled seizures.

    In March 2018, the state’s governor signed legislation allowing the use and sale of CBD for any purpose (less than 0.3 percent of THC).

    4. Iowa

    Recreational marijuana is a misdemeanor, and medical marijuana CBD is legal.

    In May 2014, the state’s governor, Terry Branstad, signed the 《medical cannabidiol act》, which allows CBD oil to treat intractable epilepsy in children.

    In May 2017, the state expanded the law to allow people with conditions such as cancer, chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, crohn’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease to use CBD oil.

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